9:00 am Traditional Service in the Chapel
10:30 am The ReFresh Worship Service is in the Sanctuary in person, on zoom,
and recorded on Facebook.
If you would like to join us on zoom for the 10:30a.m. service,
please click the button below.
If you need to be added to the email list, you may sign up for the list(s) for the items you would like to receive, by clicking on the button ("sign up for E'-News") at the bottom of this page.
Upcoming at Emmanuel
Something for Everyone
Join Beth Campisi every Monday
for Cardio Drumming
Regular Cardio Drumming 4:00-5:00 pm
​Belly Dancing
Wednesday Nights, 6:00 - 8:00pm
New 8 week class starting January 8, 2025
Yoga with Claudette Pirrello
every Monday, 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
​Art Show "Life"
November 2024 - January, 2025
Forest Preserve Hikes, times vary
See below for the schedule.
Women's Interfaith Potluck
See article below.
Breathe Meditation Service
5:00 - 6:00pm Every other Month
Next Breathe to be scheduled in March
Spiritual Journeys Book Study
"Essential Spirituality"
by Roger Walsh
Tuesdays, 9:30 - 11:00am
​​​MidTown Lutheran Parish Info.
​​​​All are welcome @ Emmanuel!!!
Join Beth Campisi
for Cardio Drumming in 2025
​Regular Cardio Drumming
Every Monday 4:00 to 5:00 pm ( one class only)
Cardio drumming combines cardio exercise and drumming to music to provide an easy but effective workout. Using an exercise ball, a bucket and drumsticks, cardio drumming is a fun, fast paced way to increase your heart rate, burn calories and improve your coordination. It even helps to improve brain function and you don't need to be a drummer to do it! Cardio drumming is fun, engaging and accessible to everyone. All fitness levels welcome!
Contact Holly Blair-Cascio if you would like to Cardio drum with us!
815-543-1191 hollyblair@mac.com
Join us for a bi-annual retreat filled with music, meditation, thoughtful crafts, self-guided altars, workshops, and a vibrant community! This retreat holds space for the celebration of Imbolc as well as any other holidays or spiritual traditions.

This retreat will start at 7:00 pm on Friday, January 31st and end at 2:00 pm on Saturday, February 1st with the option to stay overnight. Attendees are welcome to participate in any portion of the retreat. Activity schedule will be posted soon, including Tarot Reading and Reiki Healing appointment slots with Rootz and Branches!
Suggested donation is $25 for both days or $15 for one day. No person will be turned away for ability to donate, all are welcome.
Please let me know if you have any questions or notes!
We hope to see you there.
Andrea Wallace for Emmanuel's Wheel of the Year Team
Bold Title
Seeds of Hope, our Imbolc retreat,
Friday January 31 and February 1st.
At Emmanuel's Breathe Meditation Service we gather for one hour to enter a sacred time -- the "thin place" between the worlds -- and Breathe. We listen to sacred scriptures and poetry from many traditions, we chant, and we sit in silence as we open ourselves to the Great Mystery.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
Next Breathe to be scheduled in March 2025
Enter by the north parking lot entrance.
Art Show!
“LIFE” Opened on November 8th, 2024
and will run thru January 25, 2025
Gallery is located at Emmanuel Lutheran Church
920 3rd Ave,, Rockford
North Entrance by Parking Lot
Gallery is open T-Th 8-2pm
Contact Susan Hurley-Whitacre if you would like to exhibit in a show or if you have any questions. Susanhurley2010@gmail.com
JANUARY 26, 2025
The 2025 Offering Envelopes are on the buffet as you come in the North entrance. Please remember to take them with you when you leave.
St. Nicholas Celebration and Christmas Eve at Emmanuel
January 19th @ Three Ravens Pottery
Soul Garden has arranged with Three Ravens Pottery studio to host a beginning wheel throwing pottery workshop. Please join us Sunday afternoon January 19th for a fun and rewarding pottery experience in this artful studio space near our church!
Sunday, January 19th
Cost $45 paid to
Three Ravens Pottery
1009 5th Ave
Rockford, IL 61104
Please call or text Holly if you would like a space for the workshop. Space is limited to 9 people.
Spiritual Journeys
Tuesday mornings 9:30 - 11:00am
We are reading "Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind,” by Roger Walsh.
It is available on Amazon in various formats, used and new, and also through Thrift Books and other sites.
We will be reading together and discussing it, so no need to read ahead.
Please join us with this Zoom link on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. until
11 a.m.
Winnebago County Forest Preserves Interest Hikes
Come hike with us.
Join Soul Garden for continuing hiking experiences in the Winnebago County Forest Preserves. Dress for the weather!
Text Holly if you want to join the hikes
Please note the time of each hike.
Saturday, January 18, @ 1:00 pm
Clayton Andrews Forest Preserve
8399 Kiowa Crossing, Roscoe, IL 61073
Monday, January 27, @ 1:00 pm
Roland Olsen Forest Preserve
9669 Atwood Road, Roscoe, IL 61073 ​​
​Link to Descriptions of all 44 Forest Preserves
Belly Dancing
Wednesday Nights
New 8 week class begins
January 8, 2025
6:00 – 9:00pm Cost: $10/class
Belly dancing is incredibly empowering. People of every size and ability level will have fun while building confidence, strength & grace. In the classes you will learn the Egyptian roots of Belly dance and the modern tribal & fusion styles. Short combinations will be incorporated into drills that focus on muscle group isolations, core stabilization, strengthening and lengthening of muscles, sharp & fluid motions, musicality & dance etiquette. No previous dance experience required and great for all fitness levels.
All classes are held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 920 3rd Avenue in Rockford.
Register with Emily Rice - 773-456-1245
Women’s Interfaith Potluck
All women are welcome and invited to attend the Women's Interfaith Potluck
​- Monday, January 27, 2025, at Grace Lutheran Church, 343 Grand Ave., Loves Park. Sarah Catalfu, Literacy Coordinator for the Literacy Council/YWCA will speak about tutoring adults.
- Monday, February 24, 2025, at the Baha'i Center, 1650 N. Alpine, Rockford. Karen Johnson and July Moe will speak about their recent trip to Africa.
***NOTE: The potlucks always begin at 6:00 p.m., and are always on the LAST Monday of the month, UNLESS that is a holiday, in which case it will likely be the preceding Monday. We will NOT meet in December.
Serving the people who live, work, worship, and play
in the neighborhoods of Midtown
January 2025 MLP Newsletter
Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Midtown-Lutheran-Parish-101030175425386
Opportunities in MLP—ALL ARE WELCOME!
Katie’s Cup is open Tuesday thru Friday 8 am - 2 pm
Katie’s Walking Club—Thursdays at 9:15 a.m., weather permitting
Katie’s Choice Book Club—Second Thursday of the month, 10 am.—11:15 am. Check with Katie’s Cup for book selection
Katie’s Cup Conversations— noon (11:30 room open):
*January 21, 2025—Rev. Dr. Stephen Bowie on The Church of the Future
*February 18, 2025—You Don’t Have to be Wrong for Me to be Right (communicating across religious divides) led by Pastor Denver Bitner with video and guest speaker.
*March 18, 2025—Pastor Tom Jacoby “The Art of Lent.”
First Saturdays— Indoor Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Midtown Market Music:
*Valentine Festival and Market February 1, 2025—Wattle and Daub. (folk)
Swedish pancakes!!!
*Spring Festival and Market March 1, 2025—Emerald Wind (harp and flute)
Open mic with Christopher Sims—January 14, 2025. From 5 p.m.-7 p.m.
Benefit Concert for Katie’s Cup with Mike and Sue Blair— January 23, 2025, at 7 p.m. (Coffee bar open at 6 p.m.)
Soul Garden Forest Walk—Come hike for an hour in Winnebago Counties Forest preserves. Text Holly if you want to join the hikes: 815-543-1191. Times vary, but we meet at Forest preserve entrances unless otherwise instructed.
Link to Descriptions of all 44 Forest Preserves
RVC Lecture Series—Please Register through RVC’s CLR (Center for Learning in Retirement)
Call 815-921-3933 or email T.Lewis@rockvalleycollege.edu
April 29, 2025— The History of Cars and Coffee with Pastor Michael Thomas
First Lutheran Naomi Circle meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at Katie’s Cup lower level, 11:30 am-2:00 pm, using “Gather” Magazine devotion. Buy a beverage or lunch, if you wish.
Special Events at Emmanuel Lutheran Church:
For the following Emmanuel events, contact Holly Blair-Cascio 815-543-1191
*Special Art Exhibit: “Life” From November 8, 2024-January 25, 2025, during times when the church is open.
*Cardio-Drumming (Mondays— 6:00-7:00 p.m.) To sign up, contact Holly 815-543-1191
*Wednesday Night Belly Dancing. 6:00 -7:00 p.m. $10/class
Starting January 8, 2025.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Pantry— Fridays 9:30-11:30 am
Emmanuel Lutheran Spiritual Journeys Book Study, Tuesdays, 9:30-11 am. by Zoom. We read together and discuss. Current book:Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind, by Roger Walsh
Join Zoom Meeting.
Bible Studies:
Salem Lutheran: Tuesdays at 9:30 am in the Founders’ Room
Emmanuel: Wednesdays at noon. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89356888344?pwd=dEw2NHVsS0JzYWdxUWdGVVk3OE5XZz09
140th Anniversary of Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Emmanuel celebrated its 140th anniversary on July 17, 2022 and the 100th anniversary of our second church building in November 2023. Emmanuel’s history and evolution began with the Swedish immigrants’ courage, boldness, and hard work, conserving some of their Swedish Lutheran traditions all while adapting, in a new context with a new language.
Emmanuel continues to evolve, enriching the Spiritual Life of the Community with the Arts including music, poetry, artwork, dance, communing with nature, retreats, and other expressions of our Spirituality. We meet you where you are on your journey.
9:00am - Traditional Worship (Chapel)
10:30am - ReFresh Worship (Sanctuary)
Breathe Meditation Service:
(Breathe is held four times a year)
All are welcome to come as you are to our worship services!
Parking is available on Third Avenue or the parking lot north of the church.