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LGBTQA Support
Worship Services
Spiritual Exploration
LGBTQA Support
Outreach & Volunteer
Art, Music, Dance
Reconciling in Christ (RIC)
Emmanuel welcomes openly LGBTQA people of all ages as well as their families and friends. Emmanuel has been open and accepting for decades, but on March 7th, 2013, we made it official by becoming an RIC (Reconciling in Christ) church as conferred upon us through ReconcilingWorks and the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
Rockford has a newly-formed PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gays) chapter which meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Rockford Public Library. Emmanuel Lutheran is a proud supporter of PFLAG. More information can be found at the local chapter's Facebook Page.

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