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Adult Education

Adult Bible Study

In the manner of Jesus' own small group of disciples, Emmanuel's Bible Study offers a place to connect with other believers in fellowship; to grow in our understanding of the Bible; and to worship God together. As it says in our Vision Statement, we at Emmanuel, “Study and Practice the Spirituality of Jesus... [becoming] instruments of God's Grace by: Promoting understanding and unity between religious traditions...”

Bible Study is held on ZOOM every Wednesday, except during Lent, from noon to 1:00 p.m. See the Church Calendar for details. All are welcome.


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Adult Education

The purpose of Adult Education is to provide the Emmanuel congregation with a wide variety of educational opportunities. 


Other past programs: 

  • Saving Jesus Redux, a 12-episode video exploration of a credible Jesus for the 21st Century. Join 25 experts for a conversation around the relevance of Jesus for today. This series will be repeated.

  • Thomas Merton: A Film Biography shown over the course of two weeks with a lively discussion following each segment.

  • An occasional free Sunday Movie Matinee series.

  • A weekly viewing and discussion about The Emergence of Universe, Earth, Life, and Humans video series.

The members meet as needed at a time and location convenient to the members.


Men's Group

All men in the Rockford area are invited to Emmanuel's Men's Group. The group was started so that men from the community can get together for Spiritual brotherhood, giving each other emotional and Spiritual support, thus providing opportunities for fellowship. Group activities may include watching a movie, going out to dinner, or going to a baseball game. Call  office for next meeting. 


WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)

All female members of the ELCA are considered a part of WELCA and are invited to join us on the third Thursday of each month, except July and August at 9:30 am at Emmanuel.   


The commitment of WELCA is to grow spiritually by praying, studying the Bible, and maturing in faith. As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to growth in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.


the way_edited-2
Mary Magdalene
Journey of the Universe
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